目前分類:QR Code 行銷應用 (4)

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話說FaceBook的老闆馬克Mark Zuckerberg,搬到加州的Hacker Way 總部後,開始與外星人密切聯絡,因此在FaceBook總部屋頂,設計了一個大大的QRCode,外星人駕著飛碟,一看到那個大大的QRCode,就可以瞄準QRCode準確降落。


你以為QRCode只是飛碟用來降落的嗎? 那就錯了,QRCode裡面隱藏了FaceBook的密碼,趕緊拿出手機裡的QuickMark二維條碼QRCode掃描軟體,對準FaceBook屋頂的QRCode掃描,原來是FaceBook的粉絲團帳號啦,難不成外星人也是透過FaceBook和馬克Mark Zuckerberg聯絡喔。


耶! 這個條碼的內容掃描不出來耶,哈哈,當然掃描不出來,因為這個圖案只有一小部分的條碼,只能當作造型設計來看,這個條碼的內容是http://fbco.de/,有提到這個條碼的製作過程喔,有興趣的可以去看看。


QuickMark有支援各種平台,無論是PC、iphone、Android、Symbian都有支援的軟體  喔~~~





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冰河也能QR Code 做創意廣告

世界自然基金會、社褔機構SAMU Social如何用創意在想都想不到的地方,做小預算大效益的廣告?


又到了冬去春來的季節,在阿姆斯特丹運河旁的冰,也漸漸融化,冰上竟然慢慢浮現出一個大大的QR Code '隨著氣溫上升,這個二維條碼就愈明顯,讓經過的路人,忍不住想拿出手機掃描看看,這個突如其來的怪異符號,究竟是什麼東西?沒想過用冰也能做廣告吧!

世界自然基金會利用金屬片和沙子,製作出這個大型的QR Code '由於金屬片的材質, 會隨著溫度的上升變得更明顯,這正是提醒民眾全球暖化的好時機。QR Code經過掃描,會連結到世界自然基金會的官網,裡頭有許多關於地球保護的相關訊息,以及地球面臨危機的案例,提醒使用者即時「愛地球,做環保」,最有趣的在於這個廣告宣傳,除了金屬片的材料費外,預算根本接近零元。因為目前沒有任何法規規定,在冰上做廣告要收費!


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I just came across this picture of a massive QR code that recently showed up on a building in Tachikawa.  As crazy as something like this might look, it's nothing new in Japan as people have been displaying ginormous QR codes on buildings here for years. Here are a few more examples:

QR Code in Japan 


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People can now access racy images of actress-model Kelly Brook by scanning a 2-D QR bar code on every can of Pepsi Max.

The beverages giant is the first brand to launch the Quick Response (QR) technology — a new kind of two dimensional barcode from Japan, which lets access to Kelly’s images from their mobile phones — allowing Pepsi MAX lovers to link directly to the Internet from their phones.

“As the public becomes more familiar with the codes, we will be looking to create further opportunities for utilizing them in talking to our consumers,” Pepsi Max stated recently. Its obviously the company’s idea to “give consumers.”

“QR technology really is the future - it’s a great way of getting games, comedy, images and virals from Pepsi Max on your mobile - any time anywhere,” said Brook, 29. “I had great fun on the set of this shoot - it’s a new look for me and quite a departure from my normal classic retro style.” something back - to engage and excite - its “I really loved some of these crazy futuristic outfits though - and wanted to take them home!” she added.

pepsi QR ad_QuickMark01 “As the public becomes more familiar with the codes, we will be looking to create further opportunities for utilizing them in talking to our consumers,” Pepsi Max stated recently. Its obviously the company’s idea to “give something back - to engage and excite - its consumers.”  pepsi QR ad_QuickMark03


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